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I’ve known Danijela’s mum for years (15 maybe?) and so it was a real honour to be asked to photograph her christening. A lot has changed in that time – we used to talk about Pearl Jam b-sides and now it’s more likely to be baby backsides. Going back to the church where Anita and Johney were married was like deja vu, with a camera in hand as before, but in the years in between that camera has started to play a very different role in my life.

Danijela and Amelia are little mates, so it was the first time my own little girl has seen me at work, which was really nice. Although it was hard to avoid the tempation of focusing on her instead of the action around me (I couldn’t resist entirely, so there are a few shots of her in the gallery).

Those of you who follow this blog won’t have seen many christenings on here, because honestly I don’t do many. But a croatian christening is actually similar to a wedding, with dancing, mountains of delicious food and in this case, a beautiful girl in a white dress. So that’s how I shot it.

It was 38 degrees that day, and Danijela handled the heat like a champion. To be fair though, she did get some water splashed on her head and I’m sure we were all a little bit jealous at that point. Here are a few of my favourites, and there are more at

and because it is my blog afterall, here’s a pic of Amelia having an evil cackle with her aunty Anita.