Just to avoid any confusion, I’m not going to refer to Jo Sim as “Jo” anywhere in this post:) We have had both of the girls turning their heads at the wrong times all day, so I’m not going to add to that here!
Theres’ not much I can say about today that won’t sound like I’m exaggerating.
To start with, the venue for Jo and Doug’s wedding (I’ll be calling them “Joug” from here on – apparently the collective term for this pair) is a very special place. Kilmany Park is a historic homestead about ten minutes out of Sale, with beautiful manicured grounds which I can imagine being used as the setting for a BBC drama series featuring lots of women in bonnets and guys with floppy hair playing croquet and discussing scandals (Ok, it’s 1am, so maybe my imagination is just getting away on me). Out of an admittedly quite grotty, foggy morning came the still, sunny afternoon that “Joug” had ordered and the day was timed perfectly for us to be taking pictures of the bridal party in the beautiful golden light which falls in the last hour before sunset. The ceremony started a few people crying and the speeches in the reception finished the job on the rest of them us.
We’ve been fortunate to get to know Joug over the last twelve months as they’ve planned their wedding, so on a personal note, we’d both like to wish them a long and happy marriage.
Here are a few of my favourite pictures from the day, and if you’d like to be notified when the rest are ready, please just email us or ‘like’ our facebook page.
… and for this last shot, I have a few thankyous to make. Firstly, Jo and Doug for a very impressive 10-second kiss while holding completely still! Secondly, our awesome Bridal Party for your sparkler-twirling skills and your trust that standing out in the cold spinning the things around would lead to a photo. And last-but-not-least, the light on Jo and Doug comes from a flash bounced off the white shirt of my human reflector-board. Good job Wayne – I think flexing your massive back muscles made all the difference!
Goodnight everybody!