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It’s a good idea for any adult who wants a say in the choice of images, the edits or the amount you spend to be there so that you can make all of these decisions as a team. We understand that this can be difficult sometimes, so if you need some scheduling help to make it possible to both be there please call us on 1800 731 243.

We also recommend that kids don’t attend the Big Reveal if possible. We love kids, and as parents ourselves we know that it can sometimes be difficult to get away without them, but kids do get bored and restless during Big Reveal meetings, and I’m sure you know how distracting they become when that happens! If you can come without the kids you’ll find that your photo selections will be much faster, easier and you’ll also be able to surprise them when you bring the prints home later on.

A sleeping (or even mostly sleeping) baby is absolutely fine. The trick is to schedule the Big Reveal so that it’s likely to line up nicely with bub’s sleep time.

You’re also welcome to bring your parents and/or siblings, or they can also make their own Big Reveal appointment if you’d prefer.