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30 Days of Love Stories / Day 18: Veronica & Brad

30 Days of Love Stories / Day 18: Veronica & Brad

Halloween is Veronica’s favourite holiday so Brad thought it would be a perfect night to pop the question. He encouraged her to go to the gym after work and as soon as Veronica was out the door, Brad got to work to carve a massive pumpkin lantern, to hide the ring...
Crazy in love

Crazy in love

When we asked them what they most love about their daughter Amara, Li Shan and Kurt’s answer was pretty simple: “she’s cheeky, funny and very naughty at the best of times. Her cuddles are awesome when unexpected.” And so that’s what we...
Cuddles in the park

Cuddles in the park

Who ever said that blind dates don’t work out? For Janette and Mark it not only resulted in finding the love of their lives, but also produced two gorgeous kids. When it comes to family portrait sessions, nearly all parents tell Iain that they just want a natural...
There’s a bear in there

There’s a bear in there

We took these shots a couple of months ago, but couldn’t resist sharing because little Alouette is just so damn cute! Gerardine and Drew’s family love story began with two people who loved to travel and both wanted to learn Turkish. Who could have guessed...
Turn over a new leaf

Turn over a new leaf

We’ve said it before, but we love doing Autumn portrait sessions. It’s just something about the cool, crisp air and giving kids the licence to cover their mum in leaves always ends in smiley faces! Shana and her husband Manny were great sports and should...
Gorgeous girls in the park

Gorgeous girls in the park

Simone and Andrew’s love story began years ago when they flirted with each other in the aisles of the supermarket in which they both worked. Fast forward a few years and who would have thought they would marry and have two gorgeous daughters: Elsie, 2  and...