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Lucy and Pat’s Daylesford Convent Wedding

Lucy and Pat’s Daylesford Convent Wedding

If you’re married, you’ll know that it’s pretty hard to organise one wedding, right? Hunting down the perfect dress, location, bridal party and celebrant are hard enough without also thinking about details like flowers, cufflinks and the list goes on...
A beautiful sunny day at Yarra yarra

A beautiful sunny day at Yarra yarra

One of the nicest things I get to do in this job is to visit our clients after their wedding day, whether that is to drop off prints or albums in the weeks after, or to photograph their family as it grows over the years. Claudia was actually introduced to us by her...
Summer lovin’ – a sneak peak

Summer lovin’ – a sneak peak

Things Jo loves: lists and schedules, green turning arrows, using up spare change, iPhone tetris and eating ice cream with a small spoon (I told you I love lists!) Our bride today was a girl after my own heart and Carlie and Dave’s wedding ran like a well-oiled...
Thanks guys

Thanks guys

Sixteen hours ago I was sitting at this computer printing out schedules and gear lists for today’s wedding, and here I am back in the chair – De ja vu, we meet again! It’s been a great day though, and hopefully everything Lucy and Pat wanted it to...
Claudia and Steve sneak-peek

Claudia and Steve sneak-peek

Driving to today’s wedding I was thinking about what Claudia’s family, many of them visiting from Columbia, must think of the country that she has made her home. More than that, I wondered what the family members who couldn’t make the flight will...
Michelle and Gary’s Daylesford Lake Wedding

Michelle and Gary’s Daylesford Lake Wedding

What a nice job to start back on after a little Christmas break – the final processing of Michelle and Gary’s pictures. Those of you who were at the ceremony would have heard the story of how it all started for these guys at a bar with friends. You would...